Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Alex and Amelia Mysteries

Alex sat in the recliner that faced the dining room. Having eaten his dinner, he now watched as his little sister experienced the wonder of freshly steam broccoli.

He also marveled at the strength of her throwing arm with said broccoli.

Watching her made him think of his first big case. It was hard for him to imagine that it had been only a year ago. Mom and Dad had gone to the hospital to see about doing something regarding mom’s weight gain. She’d been packing on the pounds, especially in the stomach area, for several months, and it was looking pretty serious. She’d been having trouble getting around and looked at the stairs going up like they were eight inch monsters she needed to crush to get to bed at night.

Alex had sampled the food, as he’d heard that eating too much makes people put on a lot of weight, but it didn’t have the same effect on him or dad. He started to worry that something might be wrong with Mom.

Nanna and Grandpa came to stay with Alex for a few days, which made things even more mysterious. It wasn’t like mom and dad to stay away overnight. Alex knew there was only one things to do: mount a search and rescue operation.

Alex made his way to the kitchen, and began stockpiling food stuffs for the long search. Unfortunately, the only thing he could reach was the salt and pepper. Next he went down to pack some clothes, but he could only reach the lower drawers, which had his pajamas, and he knew he wasn’t allowed outside wearing only pajamas.

After several hours, he looked at his pile of supplies: a pepper grinder, three chips found beneath a sofa cushion, a pair of pajama bottoms, a sock, and his toy piano, and concluded this would have to do. But, as he went to find a bag to carry his supplies, Nanna and Grandpa came and put him in the car.

To his surprise, they took him to the hospital, and mom and dad were still there! Mom had lost a lot of weight. Apparently, they found a baby inside her! Alex looked at the small figure as dad was holding her. He knelt down and showed the two to each other.

“Alex,” dad said, “Meet Amelia. Your little sister, and partner in crime.”

Alex looked at his dad, a little bewildered. Crime? Dad just didn’t understand. Alex didn’t commit crimes, he solved mysteries. He looked at his new little sister and smiled. At last, a partner to help him…

A shriek of glee from Amelia snapped him back to the present. Something new had appeared on her tray. Alex dropped down to look more closely. It looked like a cheerio, but there was something else spread on top of it that smelled sweet.

But before he could finish his examination, Amelia grabbed the cheerio and popped it in her mouth. They didn’t find out what it was, but Amelia knew it was delicious!


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