Monday, November 7, 2011

The Company Man, part 22

#62 could not stop sweating. He’d managed to take down the security guard who held the key to the weapons locker, but not before he seriously injured several others. The police were demanding entrance and it did not look like they’d be able to keep them out much longer.

#2 instructed them go and get guns, which they’d done, but now it was unclear who should carry one. There were not enough to go around, and none of them had any experience carrying a gun. It looked pretty easy in the movies, but in practice there are a lot of steps to remember. Actually loading the gun, clearing the chamber, turning off the safety, and all of this while not accidentally pulling the trigger and shooting oneself.

#62 kept a gun. He felt it appropriate given that he’d been the open to get the weapon’s locker open. He wanted to feel safe, and did not care as much about the others. #2 demanded a gun. He had a certain authority given that he’d been around the longest that the others respected. The others were a bit nervous giving him a gun, though. Still, it was passed up to him.

The one who had committed the murder, #24, was also given a gun. #62 did not see who else got one. He kept his hidden. Still, the excitement and adrenaline made him dizzy. All of the clones were milling about in the common room, which was too small to contain them all. He moved clear of the crowd and went over to the door to sit down.

But as he did so, the door burst open and a police officer stepped in. #62 panicked, drew his gun, and pulled the trigger.

For a moment, everything was quiet. He could not tell if the shot had silenced the crowd behind him, or if he’d simply gone deaf from the pounding of his own heart resounding in his ears. He did not have time to dwell upon it. A second office drew his gun and fired three times, hitting him twice in the heart and once in the head. #62 fell to the ground, dead.

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