Thursday, February 3, 2011

War on paper–Victory!

That’s right, I’m calling it done! It was a hard battle. My paper shredder will never be the same, and it will be some time before we successfully clean up all of the little bits of shredded paper that the cats have migrated through the house, but aside from that it’s all gone.

I was set to call it about two weeks ago except that we found a couple of boxes lingering in the attic. One of them we kept, as it was full of my writings and I’m not about to give those up. The other box had finances from 98-2003 and a bunch of sentimental and academic records. Turns out I had my report card from kindergarten. Apparently I did quite well. What’s more, you’re going to have to take my word on that now as the proof has gone out with the recycling. All of the finance stuff was over 7 years old so I was able to shred all of that. In all, it took all of three hours to empty that box, and most of that was waiting to keep the shredder from overheating.

The filing cabinet is gone, and the table that held all of the loose papers has been taken down. Suddenly my office is huge! I’ve recovered all of the manuals that Chrome (grumble) corrupted. And it’s all backed up.

The war on clutter is not over, but we’ve made great strides. Nothing motivates de-cluttering like prepping a house for sale. We’ve begun packing things up and have rented out a small storage space. Part of that packing up means going through everything and seeing what we can get rid of. Thank goodness there’s no cap on freecycle and craigslist postings.  But that fight will not end even after we move. As jobs change, as kids grow, as things break and gift giving times pass, clutter will try to accumulate. The good fight must go on, and so shall we.

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