Tuesday, December 7, 2010

War on Clutter, part 3

Progress is never as swift as one may like, but progress is still progress. Our reclining chair is now gone, and just in the nick of time, as it gave us a place to setup our Christmas tree. That act alone was enough to galvanize me back into attacking the stacks of paper that had begun to gather dust next to my desk.

Manuals continue to fall prey to the recycle bin as I find their digital counterparts online. I’ve also become more lax about what I’m willing to throw out, and have to laugh at myself for holding on to some things so fervently before. Why do I need assembly instructions for the entertainment center? I’m not going to put it together again.

Going paperless has also had a positive impact on the amount of mail we receive. It’s mostly junk now, and I’ve not figured out how to make Chase Bank stop sending me credit card offers, but the sheer mass of paper flowing into the house has decreased dramatically.

One odd note. It turns out that when you call the yellow pages distributor to opt out of receiving future copies, the try to sell you books. They also ask for your email address to verify that you wish to continue to opt out in the future. Sketchy?

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