Monday, August 16, 2010

July 7th, 2010

Our group has been split to do different things today. Group one, which consists of myself, Kate, Nicole, April and Theo are on tour today. Group two with is Sara, Brian, Samantha, Jaime and Geoffrey have a work today. Tomorrow they’ll tour while we work.

I would’ve preferred the groups stay together. Tried to get it reworked, but it was not an option.

Summary of the tour day:

All in all, I wish we could have worked. The tour was nice, but I think we could’ve been more effective building or painting. But there were highlights:

  • Visited Red Cloud school (as well as Red Cloud’s grave). Saw his gun in the museum. Red Cloud, for those that don’t know, was really the Lakota Chief who realized that they would have to give up their way of life if they wanted to live at all, and negotiated a lot of the original treaties between the tribes and the US government.
  • Saw a very cool dreamcatcher. Very Escher-like:
  • Learned about the transit system. They’ve only recently gotten it working, and are very proud of it.
  • Had Lunch at Bettie’s kitchen. The buffalo burger was fine, the chocolate cake was great!
  • Hiked up past the kitchen for a great view, though I spent a lot of time keeping kids from trespassing onto the neighbors property through a break in the fence.
  • A Lakota college I found something for Alex (at last!)
  • Saw a picture of the Buffalo Sherman slaughtered to reduce the Native American population. Each of those white dots is a head of a buffalo that was killed, and it’s meat left to rot. Average buffalo yields 350 lbs of meat.


  • Visited the Singing Horse trading post, where they had puppies!
  • Craft fair tonight. Bought a necklace and earrings for  Julie, was definitely worth the wait.
  • Kids got to practice beating a traditional drum, and we danced.
  • Tomorrow we paint. From the descriptions of team 2, it will not be a lot of fun, but I remain optimistic.

Last work day. Barely feels like we’ve done anything.

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