I think it’s fair to warn I’ll be talking about this for a while. Given that there’s little about work I’m permitted to speak about, and for fear of becoming one of those parents who speak incessantly about their child as though he’s the first person to ever go through any of that (though those posts will emerge, to be sure), I’m going to stick with this topic for a bit. At least until I’ve managed to win the war, or achieve a cease fire.
For comparison sake: Here is the filing cabinet:
And here is what scans the paper:
There’s obviously more to it than that. What do you do with the paper when you’re done with it? What do you do with the things that you can’t scan? What about data loss?
I have answers to most of those questions, but not all. As they become more relevant I will update. But for now, I’ve still only gotten as far as the 2006 finances.
So, I will simply link to a video of Alex crawling with his freakingly adorable hat on.
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