Monday, March 19, 2007

What does your brain see?

What does your brain see?

Something that’s bothered me for quite a while, and apparently bothers others too is the issue of color perception. One night I had a dream where everything was viewed through a photonegative. All colors were the opposite of what they were supposed to be. The sky was orange, plants were yellow, and only I seemed to notice. Is it possible that the colors we see differ from other people? Perhaps what I see as green you would see as yellow. The thing is, you were trained that the color is green and have always grown up knowing it is green. To see something through someone else’s eyes could completely throw us off, as they’re colors are all wrong in our perception.

Another thing that would be interesting would be if you could take one eyeball out of its socket, pull it around and point it into the other eye. You are effectively looking into yourself. How would the brain interpret that? Would you go nuts, your brain explode? Would you get dizzy and throw up? Well, you’d probably throw up at the prospect of pulling out your eyeball, so it’d be hard to know what really caused it.

But enough vomit talk. It's hitting too close to home right now. Stupid food poisoning.

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