Mobile app update. I’ve finished the first draft of the content. It’s a story written in the style of a choose your own adventure. I have fond memories of reading these when I was younger, and thought that smart phones would do well to see more of these things become available. For those that are interested, and would like to critique, I’ve posted the entire thing here:
From a writing perspective, it’s an interesting challenge to write a branching storyline. It’s the first time I ever really used a branching flow chart to lay out all the different plots, identify choices, and decide how different things will turn out. Sometimes different paths lead to the same point in the story, which means you have to take into consideration what previous experiences might not have happened for the reader, and avoid referencing them.
Because it’s written in the second person, you can’t really characterize the protagonist. It’s not my place to tell you who you are, simply present you with choices and notify you of the consequences. It’s also a mistake to write a single story path from start to finish. You’ll unintentionally make it the preferred path, the one where you put most of your energy, and the rest become more filler and the experience less enjoyable for the reader.
So, I’ve got the framework, I’ve got the content, now it’s time to work on the features. There are a couple of extras I’d like to put into the apps to make the experience more enjoyable, and will spend some time fleshing those out.
In the meantime, feedback is, as always greatly appreciated. I’ve done my best to have a good mix of good, bad and neutral endings, as well as consequences that follow a certain logic.
At the same time, you’ll be dealing with giant lizards, so this is not something to be taken too seriously.
Regardless, please take a look, let me know what you do and do not like. I have a problem with drifting between present and past tense, so kudos to anyone who can flag those that I have missed.