Monday, January 10, 2011

War on clutter - Grumble

When downloading masses of PDF's and throwing out the manuals they're meant to replace, first check to be sure your browser has not corrupted the PDF.
All of the PDF's.
Chrome is on my 'do not like' list.
Of 73 Manuals downloaded, 68 must now be found and downloaded again only this time without the original hard copy to know if what I'm getting is right. All of the ones I used Chrome to save the PDF.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My favorite story from Christmas

Alex had a good year this Christmas. He got quite a haul. Enough that Julie and I have taken several toys and put them in closet to take out when he starts to get bored with the toys he currently has.
But one toy stands out:  an RC train. It has a button that makes the train go forward, and a button that makes it spin in a circle (and a couple that make noise, but that’s just a footnote). We pulled it out of the packaging and tried to get Alex to play with it. Alex, true to form of a one year old, was preoccupied with the very first toy he’d gotten, a little school bus with a flywheel so it keeps going for a long time, and had little interest in any of the other toys around him.
After some cajoling, I managed to sit him down in my lap and get him to start playing with the remote. Alex loves buttons, and the remote had several for him to press. The train was right in front of us.
After several button presses, Alex looked up from the remote and watched the train. Everyone’s attention was solely on him at this point. You could see the wheels turning in his mind. Sure enough, he realized he was controlling the train. The smile and scream of delight that followed made the day for all of us.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Does Instant Gratification make us less efficient?

It starts with corndogs. Yes, I still eat corndogs. And I like them!

Ahem, it starts with corndogs. There are two ways to prepare them. One is to put them in the microwave, zap for 45 seconds, roll them to their other side, and zap for another 45 seconds. The other is to preheat your oven to 350 degrees and then let them sit in there for 18 minutes.

I always microwave them, because by the time I’m hungry f0r a corndog, I sure don’t want to wait 20 minutes!

But a few weeks ago I did. It was largely an experiment to see if they tasted any better cooked in the oven vs. the microwave (they didn’t, but I swear that instant oatmeal mixed with water that’s been boiled is better than oatmeal mixed with cold water and zapped in the microwave), but in so doing I noticed something. 20 minutes is a solid block of time to accomplish something. So I took care of the laundry. I spent about as much time placing the corndogs in the oven as I would the microwave, but I didn’t wait idly by the microwave for a solid two minutes accomplishing nothing. I could have done the laundry after lunch, but in all it would have taken two minutes longer than necessary.

When is instant gratification really instant? High speed internet still requires time for a given page to load. Every time you do a google search, as fast as the search engine may be, you still click on the page and wait for it to load. How much time do you spend in a given day waiting idly for pages to load into your browser?

In the 90’s no one enjoyed television commercials, but we sat through them because the commercial breaks were short, and it was easier to wait idly and endure them because the time slot was too small to get anything productive done.

By slicing our time into finer and finer segments we stop paying attention. This is similar to micropayments for downloaded content in videogames. What’s $.99 for a cool feature that will make the game I paid $49.99 a little more enjoyable? But, just like the micropayments, that time is still being spent somehow. Imagine if you could take all of those little moments spent waiting over the course of a day and add them all together? How much time would that give you? 10 minutes? An hour? 3 hours? What could you do with that time if you had it all mushed together instead of sliced into a thousand page loads and seconds spent standing next to the microwave?

Instant gratification is never really instant. And without meaning to, we pay for a perceived convenience in lost productivity. How many days of your life have to spent staring at the spinning wheel on a youtube video as it loads the buffer before starting to play?

This is not to say that high speed internet is the enemy. Fast access to a swath of knowledge has the potential to make us more efficient. I’m mostly just trying to become more aware of what leeches away my free time without my knowing it. 10 minutes. That’s probably the minimum time block I need to get a small but productive project done. I think I can free up at least that from my current time wasters. The fastest solution may not be the best, if it results in a less productive use of your own time.

And now I’m hungry for corndogs again. Nuts.