Saturday, May 3, 2008

The midwest, among other things

I recently returned from a working tour of the Midwest. Flew into Illinois, hit Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois again, Wisconsin, and back to Illinois to head home.
A few observations:

  • Kalamazoo is a funny name, no matter how you look at it.
  • The White Castle near the fairgrounds in Indianapolis is awful! Never eat there. Soggy, cold sandwiches of steamed meat and stale bread with bad service do not a good lunch make.
  • Ohio, Illinois and Indiana are actually just one giant cornfield they split into different states to keep better track of it.
  • Ms. Jones is an awesome traveling companion, though she sometimes insists otherwise.
  • Pull tie-downs work just as well as ratcheting ones, and they take a lot less time.
  • A snow storm is not a good time to figure out how to tie a ladder to the top of an SUV.
  • Jet Blue is a nice airline.
  • Avoid Chicago highways with extreme prejudice. There is not a good time to be on those highways.
  • A deep dish pizza is best eaten with a knife and fork. Otherwise you might choke on the 3/4" thick slab of mozzarella that resides within.
  • Always check the armrest of the rental car before you return it.
That is all.