Date of visit: September 2nd, 2024
Where can I find it? Hiding at the end of Sumpter Road.
Bathrooms? 1 standard port-a-potty
Parking? Plenty
When open? Daylight hours.
Same place as previous photo, just 180 degrees. As you can see, it is pretty easy to take in. |
The playground structure itself is a clever piece, with plenty of creative challenges for children to test their balance, and parents to test their anxiety attacks.
The blue climbing piece to the right is a regular 4-dimensional chess set |
My brother could navigate the platforms to the left. I could not. Thankfully, the padding below is soft. |
Sadly, the park presented yet another one of those chicken fighting pens. I have expressed my grievances to my father, who strangely resists bringing them up at town hall. It makes me wonder where his allegiances truly lie!
It is NOT a finger licking good time! |
The most unique aspect of Regan Park is its spider web. Unlike the black widow mesh of Rahanis, this utilizes a more conventional orb web like that of a corn spider. As a structure, it is interesting enough to climb upon, but it also generates one of the more interesting challenges to parents with kids who do not want to leave. It is sufficiently large that you can reach through and grab a child who is running away, but not large enough to pull the child through. It is also big enough that you cannot simply reach around, meaning the parent must let go, and continue chasing around and around. The game is lost if there are two parents, so children take heed of your strategy in advance!
Look at me, dad! I'm a Argiope aurantia! |
As a mainstay playground, Regan park's options are sadly limited. But, it does make for a nice change of pace, especially if one has a lot of energy to burn in a game of keep away. I give Regan Park 4 spider webs.